Some quick updates on new and upcoming publications I co-authored: today the Journal of Cyber Policy published an article on data localization risks, i.e. the risks to cybersecurity if pertinent data cannot be shared globally due to regulatory constraints. The article is titled “Risks to Cybersecurity From Data Localization, Organized by Techniques, Tactics, and Procedures” and is freely available through the Taylor & Francis open access program.

The paper is a collaboration between Georgia Tech and CrowdStrike. Previously, we made a preprint available on SSRN. See the Talks and Publications page for additional details.

Next, several coworkers and I contributed a chapter to the upcoming Springer book “Malware: Handbook of Prevention and Detection.” Chapter 5, titled “Machine Learning-Based Malware Detection in a Production Setting,” discusses considerations for running Machine Learning-based detection systems within security products, including model and system requirements and regulatory and compliance considerations. The book will be available in November.